Saturday, August 22, 2009

39 weeks!

I totally did not expect to still be expecting at this point, but here I am. I don't think "The Bump" has grown any this week really. I think that the only obvious thing that has grown has been my desire for the baby to JUST-GET-HERE! Well, enjoy your weekends, we are having really nice weather so Josh and I are going to go out for a little bit!


  1. You look so ADORABLE! I can't wait to see pictures of baby Luke!

  2. You look great- just remember Luke will come when the time is right. There are so many important things that happen during the act of going into labor- stick with it! You can do it!

  3. You have no swelling! You are beautiful!

  4. You look awesome for 39 weeks prego...I wish I looked that good at 39 weeks, not that I even made it that far, but I was still bigger. :) Crossing my fingers for him to come soon!
