Hello.... Is this thing on?
For the last month or so, Luke has been using EVERYTHING for a telephone (refer to above picture, he even uses my UGGS). It is so funny. Once he finds a "telephone" he goes off and has little conversations with the person on the other end. He even tries to run into his playroom for some privacy! It is so very funny to see what he comes up with each day.
Today we had a rare treat to spend time together as a family on a weekday! Unfortunately, Luke was sick with a fever all night. At 5am, we woke up and took some more generic tylenol and grabbed some milk in a sippy cup and I turned on the TV and watched "Pingu" (a British clay-mation show that Luke has loved for a very long time... we can only find it on NetFlix in case anyone wants to check it out). Finally around 7ish the boys got up and went into the living room and THEY FELL ASLEEP! I knew it was quiet, but I would have never guessed that those two were snuggled up on the couch!
Luke's fever did finally give us the first part of the day to go and eat lunch. We had planned on Chick-Fil-A, and instead of going in and letting Luke play in the playground for the first time, we went through the drive thru and we grabbed some cupcakes for dessert. Of course, we brought a few extras home! After we came home, we played for a little bit and then Luke and I went and took a very long nap. Josh had time to play PS3. After we got up, I tried a new recipe for dinner and we are watching The Bachelor while Luke plays here in the living room. We have had an awesome day and I am so very thankful for my boys!